Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Door Opens


I hope you all had a great break over the Christmas / New Year period and are refreshed for 2008. For me it was a time of reflection about the year gone and the year to come. What ever does actually eventuate in 2008, change will certainly be a key factor through out the next 12 months.

One example of change which caught my eye over the Christmas period was the Queen's Christmas Broadcast being delivered for the first time on The Royal Channel on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TheRoyalChannel

Could this have ever been considered a realistic option 2 years ago ?

Many futurologists see 2008 as the rise of Youtube as a means of true educational value, where there will be a greater use of this approach to provide education in the terms of short video segments covering a whole range of topics from cooking to calculus.

Other trends that are being predicted to influence the world of learning are :

  • Economic "Jitters" - How will the industry cope with this uncertainty? Learning is usually the first causality of any type of down turn.

  • Generational Differences - How do we prepare the next generation for the workforce?

  • How do we pursue learning that engages a younger workforce and still makes business sense?

  • Organizational Development - As companies change how do we ensure we meet their needs with our efforts?

  • Technology - Do we have enough capacity? How do we deliver at the moment of need? What technology can we leverage given fewer resources?

This is all food for though, but what ever happens enjoy what ever the next 12 months brings to you.