Sunday, January 17, 2010

2010 : The Year For Enthusiasm & Connection

Firstly Happy 2010 !

I hope this year will be a positive and exciting one for you. Over the past few weeks I have been on a break and have been very lucky to have time off travelling in the US and catching up with many old friends. During this time I have been thinking back about what are the things that can make 2010 a truly a great year and the two key factors I kept coming back with are :

Enthusiasm and Connection.

1. Enthusiasm for what ever you do is so important. In late 2009 I was lucky enough to attend the Australian Export Awards in Canberra in almost ever case the winners had started their companies with passion to achieve their goal, they started small and wanted to grow. Many started from their back yard shed, garage or office with and idea and great plans and single focus to make their passion a reality. Have a look at the attached link, and read the great stories of success that every day people have achieved

2. Connection
No matter what you want to achieve, you need to have a network to support and to give context to what you want to achieve. Connection can come in so many ways via both professional and social networks, and of course family networks. It is something that needs to be worked upon, it is something that also needs to be valued and measured. It can not be just one way - your way. It involves genuine efforts from both sides. Today there are just so many ways in which connections can be made, but in reality it takes time and effort to be turn these into genuine ones - ones that will make a difference.

SABA Learning Management systems actually see that the need for connection will be this years Number # 1 learning need in 2010

Today many people define themselves by the work they do, yet in so many ways it is not the work you do but the enthusiasm you show and the connection you have with people along the way, as you do your work that really should define you !

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