Monday, September 1, 2008

Creating A Community

"The age of mass production is fading fast. The emerging economy is based on knowledge, imagination, curiosity, and talent. What if we could learn to tap the wonderful, rich differences among people" Tom Peters, 2008.

At this year CPA Congress, we launching the first of many "Connecting and Exchange" initiatives to all CPA members to connect and exchange ideas and information, no matter where they are in the world!

You do not need to be a CPA Member to contribute

This is part of CPA Australia's knowledge blueprint, which has a major focus on enhancing the ability of our members to be able to connect and exchange with each other in both traditional and non-traditional environments.

For CPA Congress, this includes extending the experience past the traditional face-to-face sessions by enabling online community and exchange around CPA Congress themes and hot topics.

Along with the CPA Congress blog <>, here is a snapshot of what you can expect from your online experience at this year event:
- CPA Congress online community
- virtual Q&A sessions through the online community
- video, audio and multimedia highlights of CPA Congress presenters and activities
- the opportunity to attend a conference session in the virtual world of Second Life

Please take some time to contribute, review and open your minds to the possibilities as the future is in your hands.

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